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Bus Procedures

  • All Bus Riders must have a county-issued bus tag attached to their bookbag each day. 
  • Buses begin departing Pharr ES at 3:25 PM and the last route typically leaves by 3:45 PM.  Times are subject to change due to weather, driver shortages, etc.  To check on the status of a route you may call the school at 770-985-0244.  For specific questions regarding bus stop information and/or drop off and pick up times, please contact the Grayson Cluster Transportation Office at 678-377-8952.
    Here is a link to Bus Driver Positions:

    Want to be notified of GCPS Bus Driver Job Fairs? Text @drive4gcps to 81010


Morning Car Rider Procedures

  • Do not let your child out before the staff members are in place on the sidewalk (8:20a.m.) The door is locked until that time. If your child needs to enter the building before 8:20 a.m. Please enter with your child at the front of the building and check in at the office.
  • Do not drop your child off in a parking space and have them cross the parking lot to enter the building.
  • If you must walk your child inside, please use the marked crosswalk and wait for an adult to signal. We want to be sure that the driver in the carpool lane is aware of the pedestrians crossing.
  • Our staff closes the door at 8:50 a.m. If you arrive after 8:50am and no adults are on the sidewalk, please walk with your child to the front atrium and use the computer to sign-in.


School Hours

  • Arrival begins at 8:20 am with the tardy bell ringing at 8:50 am.
  • Dismissal begins at 3:20 pm.


Change in Transportation

TEMPORARY Change in Transportation Form

PERMANENT Change in transportation form

  • An email to a teacher may not be viewed in time to make transportation changes.
  • If your child is not going home by his or her normal method of transportation for a day, or you would like to permanently change their transportation, please fil out the correct form and have your child deliver the form to his or her teacher.  

Afternoon Car Rider Procedures

  • All students that will be car riders on a regular basis need to have a Car Rider Tag for the vehicle picking them up. 
  • Students will be dismissed at 3:20 p.m. Please be in the car-rider lane to pick up your child. 
  • Place your car-rider number in the upper right-hand corner of your windshield so it will be easily seen. Please leave it up until your child is in your car.
  • Please stay in your car and wait your turn. Please do not park your car and wait at the door for your child. 
  • Children not picked up by 3:45 p.m. will be waiting in the front office. Please be sure that you are here on time.
  • If your child is going home with someone else, send a note to school with your child. Include your child’s name, the first and last name of the driver, dates they are to ride with that driver, and a parent signature.